Thursday, January 23, 2014

Forest & Wilderness Resources

Check out the short news pieces in the link sent to your emails on the state of our wilderness and National Park areas, such as: FCRNRW and Izembek Wilderness in Alaska. You may have to click on the links to get a little more info, but these are wonderful examples of pristine, delicate areas continually under attack by commerce and development. 

Pick one of these articles and send back to me by your return email the 1) name of the Park or Area you chose, 2) the location and 3) a description of the resource(s) discussed in this article under protection. Then describe the 4) threats to this resource which could be changed forever if exploitation were allowed to go forward with new legislation and 5) the relative value of the resources at stake, whether they be economic,  genetic/biological,  ecological,  recreational, educational, etc. and why you chose those categories of value to describe it/them. 
Then tell me 6) which one you would like to visit one day, with whom and why. 

Have fun exploring!

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